Senatorial Council to the Board of Trustees
Honorary Professor Antoni SLAVINSKI
Senator since August 1, 2022
Member of the Board of Trustees of NBU in the period 14 March 1994 – 1 August 2022
Chairman of the Board of Trustees of NBU in the period 21 May 2011 – 7 June 2021
Member of the Council of Presidents of the Board of Trustees of NBU in the period 12 December 2011 – 7 June 2022
In the period 1999–2001 he was Minister of Transport and Communications. In 2001 he was elected Honorary Professor of NBU for his overall contribution to the New Bulgarian University and special merits to the Department of Telecommunications.
He was Chairman of the Telecommunications Association for over ten years, and then a member of the Board of Directors of the association, the largest non-governmental organization in the sector.
He was Chairman, and then a member of the Board of Directors of the Association “UBIFRANCE-BULGARIE”.
He is the Chairman of the European ICT Council for Structural Funds under the SFERA project of the 7th Framework Programme during the period 2008 - 2009.
He was the coordinator for Central and Eastern Europe of the Center of Excellences for distance learning of executives at the International Telecommunication Union during the period 2004 - 2007.
He participates in a number of national and international projects, including "Improving interdisciplinary skills and interaction with business of telecommunications specialists", "Promoting innovations in the industrial informatics and embedded computer systems sector through building a cooperation network.
Among his awards are the IDG Special Award "For special services to Bulgarian telecommunications", as well as the IDG Award for contribution to the development of the information society. He specialized at the Adam Smith Institute, London, Great Britain, the Joint Vienna Institute - Vienna, Austria and at ITU - Geneva, Switzerland.
He has over 100 publications in Bulgaria and abroad.

Prof. Georgi FOTEV, Ph.D.
Senator from July 24, 2019
Prof. Georgi Fotev is a member of the European Academy of Science and Arts. In the period 1991–1992 he was the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Bulgaria. He worked as the Director of the Institute of Sociology, BAS, as a professor of philosophy, head of the section "History of Sociology". Among his more important publications are the books: "Sociological Theories of E. Durkheim, V. Pareto, M. Weber", "Principles of Positivist Sociology", "Social Reality and Imagination", "Civil Society", "The Other Ethnicity", "Boundaries of Politics", "Sociology of Deviant Behavior".
Prof. G. Fotev is an Honorary professor of NBU. He was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the State of Oklahoma, USA, as well as the Honorary Badge with a Blue Ribbon of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". He is the recipient of the annual award of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the book "Social Reality and Imagination" and the Distinguished Service Award of American University in Bulgaria.

Prof. Ivaylo ZNEPOLSKI, Ph.D.
Senator from October 16, 2019
Member of the Board of Trustees of NBU in the period 14 March 1994 – 16 October 2019.
Prof. Ivaylo ZNEPOLSKI is a significant university lecturer in the field of Philosophy, Semiotics and Art History.
He is the Chairman of the Board, founder and scientific director of the Institute for the Study of the Recent Past. During the period 1993–1995 he was the Minister of Culture of the Republic of Bulgaria. He is the Director of the DIVINATIO magazine and the Administrative Director of the House of Sciences for Man and Society. His professional career includes the Institute for Contemporary Social Theories at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, teaching at the Higher Academy of Theatre and Film Arts, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, the Higher School of Social Sciences (EHESS), Paris, the University of Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV and the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission at the Council of Ministers. He is a member of the Pedagogical Council of the Regional Doctoral School (History-Sociology-Anthropology) in Bucharest, the Council of the Thematic Network for Joint Research – “Law of Cultural Institutions” – Francophone Agency for Higher Education and Research, the International Expert Committee for the Establishment of the Francophone Institute for Administration and Governance (IFAG).
Among his numerous publications are the books “Bulgarian Communism” – Sociocultural Trajectories and Power Trajectory, “The New Press and the Transition”, “Weber and Bourdieu: Approaches to the Intelligentsia”, “The Language of the Imaginary Transition”, a number of compilations and articles.
Prof. Znepolski is Vice-President of the International Federation of Film Press, Vice-President of the Balkan Semiotic Association, Member of the Steering Committee of the International Association of Semiotics, Member of the Orientation Council of the Museum of Europe (Brussels), Member of the Senate – European Cultural Parliament.
He is the recipient of the Medal of Honor with a Blue Ribbon of Sofia University and the Officier des Palmes Académiques Honorary Award, which is given by decree of the French Ministry of National Education, Scientific Research and Technology.

Prof. Toma TOMOV
Senator since August 1, 2020
Member of the Board of Trustees of NBU from 14.03.1994 to 01 August 2020
Prof. Tomov is the Director of the Center "Bulgarian Institute for Human Relations" at the New Bulgarian University. He is the Coordinator of the National Program for Mental Health Reform at the Ministry of Health. His professional career spans the First Psychiatric Clinic and the Department of Psychiatry, where he is an assistant professor of psychiatry, and Morogoro-Dar es Salaam, where he is a consultant for the Tanzanian mental health program. His main research interests are in the field of social psychiatry. He is a member of: the Bulgarian Psychodrama Society, the Bulgarian Psychiatric Association, the Bulgarian Psychoanalytic Group, the Bulgarian Mental Health Society, the Bulgarian Association of Social Workers, the Geneva Initiative for Psychiatry. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the United Netherlands Foundations and of the Association of Psychiatric Reformers, Geneva. Honorary Member of the Royal College of Psychiatry, London, UK. He received his education at the Higher Medical Institute, Sofia. He specialized at the Department of Psychiatry of the Medical Academy, at the Institute of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery, at the Anthropos Institute in Athens, at the visiting training program in psychodrama Gabriele Wissmann-Brun.