
Seaman, John and Kenrick, Douglas.Artes Liberales
A large-scale presentation of the science of Psychology in 19 sections that cover – psychology in its basic theoretical perspectives, methods of study and particular research issues; biological principles of behavior – organization of the nervous system and main nervous processes; sensation – psychophysics and sensor physiology; perception – as knowledge, as experience; consciousness – from active consciousness through dreams, fantasies, hypnosis, mediation; learning - classical and cognitive aspects; memory – approaches and organization; language and thinking – in interaction, problem solving and decision making; intelligence – influence and dimensions; motivation and emotions – urges and evolutionary approaches. Highlighted are infant’s and child’s developmental stages, development in teen and adult years, personality formation. Other topics covered are stress, stress management and health, mental disorders, therapy of behavioral disorders, social attitudes and social knowledge, interpersonal relations, psychology and global social problems. The appendix describes the use of statistics in psychology. The edition is equipped with a dictionary of terms and rich reference index.
ISBN 954-535-253-1
Price: 35.00 lv.